4 Tips to Improve your Coding Skills

Sakshi Singh
3 min readApr 6, 2019

How to improve my CODING skills ??

Hmm, this is a very popular question. Let’s see

Coding is like the golden path which can lead you up to any MNCs or in a company of your choice. So, good coding skills is not just enough you have to be best in it, to stand out from the crowd. I am going to share some useful tips that will definitely help you in improving your coding skills.

1) So, let’s start with choosing a programming language, it could be either C, C++, Java, Python or any. But one thing you have to keep in mind that whichever language you will choose, you must have to make strong grip over it, what I want to say is, implementing small programs and executing a program by any brute force logic and ignoring about it’s efficiency will not going to help you.

Suppose, if you are able to implement a program to find a factorial of a number with its complexity O(n), and other person can implement same program with its complexity O(1) so it means you are lagging somewhere. Thus, successful execution of program is good but it is best if your program is efficient; adopting such a mindset is important.

2) Work on one programming language and become a master in its concepts; from its syntax to its inbuilt functions or methods and start using its provided libraries and inbuilt methods instead of writing whole logic of your own, it will improve your program’s efficiency. Do not jump from one language to other just because you heard that this language is better. Work hard on one language first, so that you can implement program of any difficulty level in that language, then side by side if you want versatility so you can learn other languages too.

But, “first master in at least one”.

3) Start doing code on online websites like HackerRank, CodeChef or HackerEarth and start spending at least 2 hours in coding, this will definitely improve your coding skills. Take part in different contests conducted by these sites and challenge yourself. Don’t worry if you are not able to score a good ranking, if you will practise it consistently your rank will definitely going to improve.

“Don’t compare yourself with others, because if they are at some position that was the result of their hard work and consistency. NEVER COMPARE YOUR FIRST CHAPTER WITH SOMEONE’S 20TH CHAPTER. Move with your own speed and if you started late, don’t worry at least you have started, many people even do not have dare to do so moreover they think it’s too late!! NO, my friend there is no age for learning what require is dedication. So, keep on practicing.”

4) Algorithms and Data Structures these are the key elements of programming, the more you practice the more you will learn about its applications and then more you will be able to implement it. You should try to use these in your codes and try to be good in this.

Having knowledge about algorithms that this used for searching, sorting etc you know but this knowledge is not helpful, unless you don’t know HOW and WHERE to use them.

So, work hard on this and surely your coding skills will improve after applying all these tips.

Hope, this article will be helpful for you all, keep learning and keep practicing.

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All the best…..


Sakshi Singh

